Nicole Richie is among the 25 top tattooed celebrities of previous years, Angelina Jolie being the first. While she and Paris Hilton seem to compete with the most number of expensive jewelries and attires, Nicole Richie is moving forward to divert the competition into a more exciting event by the use of tattoos.
Nicole is known as a rebel in her own style and right related to drug addiction, but she is not affiliated with any gang. She is just amused to have her body scripted with nice tattoos as her mode of fashion. Nicole is the daughter of Lionel Richie and Brenda Harvey Richie who worked as Lionel’s backstage assistant when he was a drummer. She is close to her mother but there is no relationship going on with his father.
Nicole has the rosary tattoo in her left ankle and foot which symbolizes her religious affinity. The beads of rosary surround her ankle with a visible cross on top of her foot. She has a pair of angel’s wings on her shoulder blades and the name “Richie at the back of her neck.
Nicole Richie Tattoos
A spider-looking “tiara” is etched in her hip matched by a shooting star in her right wrist. The slippers mentioned in the ballerina song of Lionel are tattooed in her abdomen.
Nicole Richie angel’s wings Tattoo on her shoulder blades
Richie and Red Ribbon Bow tattoo at the back of her neck
Nicole Richie"Virgin" tattoo on her left wrist
Nicole Richie rosary tattoo in her left ankle
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